Greek Yoghurt Foaming Cream CleanserAdded to your cart
Greek Yoghurt Foaming Cream CleanserAdded to your cart
Greek Yoghurt Foaming Cream CleanserAdded to your cart
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Knowledge from studies of over 3,600 Greek plants and herbs. Water distilled 8 times over. Respect for our grandmothers – and their grandmothers – for safeguarding and passing on traditional natural remedies. Greetings to our home island, Naxos. Deep gratitude for the first woman who trusted us and bought the first KORRES face cream back in 1996. Pride for the researchers and the scientists who innovate in our labs. Commitment to using the biological path of natural ingredients as the basis for developing formulas. Our sincere intentions. Years of mapping the Greek flora. No empty promises. Love for all our wonderful organic farmers and their families across Greece. Our devotion.
Knowledge from studies of over 3,600 Greek plants and herbs. Water distilled 8 times over. Respect for our grandmothers – and their grandmothers – for safeguarding and passing on traditional natural remedies. Greetings to our home island, Naxos. Deep gratitude for the first woman who trusted us a...